pieces that have shaped me

We are who we are because of works that have influenced us. Below are some of the pieces that have most influenced who I am and the way I think about technology and creativity. This list does not include all that has shaped other elements of my life, of which the list is expansive. I aim to continually add to this list.

works that have influenced how i think

00. The Myth of the Objective and this YouTube lecture by Kenneth Stanley

01. The Dream Machine about J.C.R. Licklider, by M. Mitchell Waldrop

02. Human Factors Design Handbook, 1981 edition

03. A Few Rules for Predicting the Future by Octavia E. Butler

04. Praying with Jane Eyre (and this overview article) by Vanessa Zoltan

05. Sunday by Joy Oladokun and Class by Andrea Gibson

06. Uncanny Valley by Anna Wiener

07. Nielsen’s Usability Heuristics

08. Working with the garage door up

09. Education of an Activist

10. Ink & Switch

11. Logic Magazine’s Distribution issue

some of my favorite corners of the internet

00. The Browser Company’s Series A announcement

01. Danielle Baskin’s mixed reality quest to find a cofounder

02. Roller Coaster Tycoon, original 1999 Windows version (perhaps not the “internet”)

03. Augmented reality copy-and-paste

04. A bunch of favorite photojournalism pieces like these

05. Craigslist